Source: HLI via Same Sex Relationships & Identity issues -Episode 3 (Theme 3 ). Lisa is joined by James Parker and Patrick McCrystal as they delve into the roots of the Transgender phenomenon and shed the light of the Gospel on the issue. Header image: HLI via
Tag: Gay Lifestyle
CA Live: Paul Darrow & Jimmy Akin Open Forum
HOUR 1: Paul Darrow – Accompanying Those with Same-Sex AttractionHOUR 2: Jimmy Akin – Open Forum More Catholic Apologetics: 00:00:00 – We will begin shortly00:00:57 – Introduction00:13:26 – Can you give me advice on how to successfully discuss these matters with someone who is having a crisis of faith […]
God Miraculously Healed Him of AIDS…
Source: Randy Kay via YouTube “Mark was raised up in the church, by faith-filled, prayerful parents. However, through multiple unwanted events, the enemy took control of his life at an early age. Unwanted spirits were felt as a takeover of his mind leading to an overwhelming desire for sexual ‘experiences’. […]