Tag: Jesus

Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

Catholics and Protestants Slide Together into Gnostic Private Cults

Source: William Kilpatrick via turningpointproject.com Reprinted with permission The second of a two-part series. Until recently, Protestants were more likely than Catholics to succumb to the Gnostic temptation I described in a recent column. In a 2008 article for Modern Reformation, Philip J. Lee described how both Mainline and “born again” Protestants were […]

Catholic, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations, Videos

Did Jesus Condemn Homosexuality?

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube.com.   Brian Holdsworth discusses whether Jesus did actually condemn homosexuality or not? Is biblical literalism the problem. Brian discusses that scripture is to be read according to four senses depending on the text: literally; typologically; morally and prophetically. It is not to be completely interpreted metaphorically, […]

Catholic, Teaching, Videos

Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus makes extraordinary observations about discipleship. He speaks about being enraptured by God, having exuberant joy, accepting scorn from persecutors, and being consecrated into truth. Watch the Spanish version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkxUF… SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch every Sunday Sermon: https://bit.ly/wof-subscribe ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron […]

Teaching, Videos

Jesus Walks on Water

When Jesus walks on water, it is possibly the most famous of all of Jesus’ miracles. However, this theophany of Jesus walking on the water is often dismissed by some skeptics as Jesus walking on a sand bar. Moreover, often overlooked, is the way that Jesus responds to the disciples when Jesus walks on the water. What do Jesus’ words mean in the context of him walking on the water? And, also, what do Jesus’ words mean in the context of how they begin worshiping Jesus when he gets into the boat after?