Source: Michael Cook via Reprinted with permission. There’s seldom good news in the gender space, but this story about a UK tribunal ruling about transgender bullying comes as a breath of fresh air. Professor Jo Phoenix, 59, is a criminologist who landed her dream job at Open University in […]
‘Would you rather a dead daughter or a living son?’ debunked by Finnish study
Source: Kurt Mahlburg via Reprinted with permission. It’s a question so commonly encountered by parents seeking help for their gender-dysphoric child that it’s almost become a meme — and a morbid one at that. On the surface, “Would you rather a dead daughter or a living son?” sounds like […]
The abyss beyond genocide: eradication of humanity itself
Source: Jason Morgan via Reprinted with permission The word “genocide” is rooted in the Shoah. A Polish Jew named Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) first used it in 1944 as a way to describe the systematic murder of European Jewry by the National Socialists. Lemkin’s concept of the slaughter of a […]
Is it racist to say that 2 + 2 = 4?
Source: Kurt Mahlburg via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission. Facts once assumed true by everyone are quickly becoming controversial. This is a trend we have all become aware of. There is, for example, increasing pressure to suggest that pregnancy can happen to women and men. People who wish to express that “all […]
Meet the parents leading the charge against critical race theory
Source: Kurt Mahlburg via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission. Fighting the American version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution Critical, race and theory are three words that have been lighting up media outlets across the United States. A debate that began among cultural pundits has now broken out into the national spotlight, as parents confront school district boards […]
It’s official: woke class finally cottons onto our looming demographic disaster
Source: Louis T. March via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission. Crunch Time Has Come The pages of the New York Times are holy writ to the chattering classes – de rigueur reading for woke folk. For once, that is a good thing. Huh? Yes – America’s nomenklatura now know about the global fertility crisis. Wouldn’t have […]
A sordid saga from 1930’s America is a reminder of how much harm ideological fads can do
Source: Michael Cook via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet More by Michael Cook Pining for the good old days, a golden era of social and moral certainties, is at best a mistake, at worst, folly. As proof, at least on the topics of sexual morality, autonomy and […]
A forgotten intellectual holds the key to our lonely future
Source: James Bradshaw via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission Robert Nisbet’s book ‘The Quest for Community’ is required reading for anyone who wants to understand contemporary chaos Almost 70 years has passed since the publication of The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order and Freedom. In what New York […]
Home is where the heart is for Dutch euthanasia
Wherever it is legalised, euthanasia becomes more and more integrated into the practice of medicine. One of the more useful — or ghoulish – developments, depending on your point of view, is euthanasia with organ donation.
Are feminists being hoist on their own petards?
Journalist Suzanne Moore says she was “betrayed and bullied for saying that women should not be silenced”, quitting her long-time job at The Guardian newspaperafter writing an article in March this year reiterating her view that “women are women”, that sex is a biological fact…
Confused Kiwis line up to vote on a euthanasia law
By Carolyn Moynihan via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission Among the roadside billboards canvassing votes for political parties and their candidates in New Zealand’s triennial election on October 17 is one announcing starkly: “LETHAL DOSE with NO assessment for coercion required.” Below that it asks: “Is the End of Life Choice Act […]
7 ways Belgium didn’t even follow its own euthanasia law
Source: Robert Clarke via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission So-called “safeguards” are much more window dressing than providing any real protection. As the New Zealand euthanasia referendum approaches, voters could be helped by looking at the experience in other countries before making up their minds on this complex topic. At the end […]