Tag: persecution

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Persecution

UN report on Xinjiang abuses leaves no room for plausible deniability

Source: Justine Nolan, UNSW SydneyReprinted with permission under a Creative Commons Licence via theconversation.com. The Chinese regime’s treatment of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim groups in the province of Xinjiang may constitute crimes against humanity, says a long-awaited report from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human […]

Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

Finding Faith in an Iranian Prison: Marina Nemat

In January 1982, Marina Nemat, then just sixteen years old, was arrested, tortured, and sentenced to death for political crimes. Until then, her life in Tehran had centered around school, summer parties at the lake, and her crush on Andre, the young man she had met at church. But when math and history were subordinated to the study of the Koran and political propaganda..

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Persecution

The brutal precedents for China’s genocidal Uyghur repression

In the wake of an Associated Press-Jamestown Foundation report regarding mass sterilisations, forced abortions and brutal control of the Uyghur population in Xinjiang (see my earlier article), it is necessary to revisit the most brutal episodes of China’s one child policy to understand why and how it can now carry out this demographic genocide in Xinjiang with such ruthless efficiency.

Christian Persecution 2020 Watch List 2020-01-23_11-32-48_a.m.
Persecution, Videos

2020 Watch List

Source: OpenDoorsUSA on Vimeo Each year, Open Doors releases the World Watch List, an annual look at the 50 places where following Jesus costs the most. This year, join David Curry as he takes into the story behind some of the numbers, and looks how pressure changes the Church. Join […]