I wonder what the response would be if such a project took place in the New York subway or in LA? I can imagine the secular elites hating them, while the people who actually live around them enjoying them, regardless of whether or not they are Christian. If the paintings are beautiful – and I would say these are – then people will like them. If that was the case, then it would undermine the value of the dreadful installations and public art that our town governments typically commission.
I personally would love to see such work brightening up the streets around me. What do you think?
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https://youtu.be/8fQoGMtE0EY Source: Napo user via YouTube Yuri Bezmenov, (alias Tomas Schuman) was a Russian born, former KGB agent, who specialised in propaganda and subversion. In this video he outlines the four stages of corruption employed by the KGB, to undermine an 'enemy' society: Demoralisation; Destabilisation; Crisis and Normalisation. The tactics…
https://youtu.be/Xj5aDJOSVfk Source: Father David Michael Moses via YouTube Subscribe to receive future videos! Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/father_davi…Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frdavidmicha… Check out Shalom World:www.shalomworld.orgYouTube: @Shalom WorldInsta: @shalomworldtvFacebook: www.facebook.com/shalomworld Fr. David Michael Moses is a Catholic Priest at St. Faustina in Fulshear, Texas. Header image: Father David Michael Moses…
https://youtu.be/sT0obs7qGIc Source: Father David Michael Moses via YouTube Subscribe to receive future videos!Follow me on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/father_davi… Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frdavidmicha… Fr. David Michael Moses is a Catholic Priest at St. Faustina's in Fulshear, Texas. Header image: Father David Michael Moses via YouTube