Teaching Videos

Ralph Martin – Avoiding Deception (Part 1): Do Not Let Others Deceive You

Source: Renewal Ministries via YouTube

In this two part video (see second ‘post’ for part two), Ralph Martin quoting scripture warns us not to be taken in and deceived. Many people either knowingly, as ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, or unknowingly regurgitate the wisdom of the day, little knowing that they are doing the work of the devil, leading souls astray. Indeed in 2 Corinthians 11:14 St. Paul says that the devil “sometimes disguises himself as an angel of light”. The only way to be protected against ‘Deception’ is to know the truth. Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life”, John 8:32. We can do this by entering into a personal relationship with him, through faith, the sacraments, and a desire to know he is, and what his will is. The words of Jesus is the only way we can know him, and the truth.

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