Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan speaks about the debate concerning the new SPHE programme for secondary schools. Well done to the brave teacher who started this debate. The SPHE programme she highlighted is totally unsuitable for anyone let alone a young person. I hope this video offering helps. Header image: Waterford & […]
Tag: Sexual Morality
The Globalists Want to Promote Sex while Destroying Marriage
Source: Carlos Polo via Population Research Institute. Reprinted with permission. Should minors be allowed to marry? That’s the question before the Peruvian Congress. The gender feminists, who are opposed to marriage as an institution, say “absolutely not.” They claim that thousands of girls and adolescents will be subjected to forced […]
The Children Of Poland Are The Hope Of Europe
Source: Carlos Beltramo, Ph.D. via PRI European Office. Reprinted with permission. PDF download. WARSAW, Poland — The Catholic Faith is flourishing in Poland. Right now, in Advent, throngs of children bearing candles process at 6:00 a.m. into the dark church before Mass begins. The pews are crowded and parents tell […]
Everything Depends on the Family!
Rules and governing restrictions are used every day in countless ways to refine that which is crude and unmeasured into something refined and more capable. We recognize this principle in countless ways in our daily lives except for one critical area: which is sex. We say, in this instance, we don’t need any thing that governs our behaviour except the absolute minimum. So, as long as you can find another willing adult, have at ‘er.
Ralph Martin – Avoiding Deception (Part 1): Do Not Let Others Deceive You
Source: Renewal Ministries via YouTube In this two part video (see second ‘post’ for part two), Ralph Martin quoting scripture warns us not to be taken in and deceived. Many people either knowingly, as ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’, or unknowingly regurgitate the wisdom of the day, little knowing that they […]
Ralph Martin – Avoiding Deception (Part 2): Do Not Deceive Yourself
Source: Renewal Ministries via YouTube In this second part of a two part video on Deception, Ralph Martin focuses on ‘personal deception’. What exactly defines a serious sin, personal moral law, are there exemptions, do we have to have full knowledge of the grievous nature of our sin, does ignorance […]
Sexual Morality by C.S. Lewis
Source: Sexual Morality (C.S. Lewis: BBC Talk 14, Mere Christianity, Bk 3, Chapter 5) by CSLewisDoodle via YouTube C.S Lewis looks at the virtue of chastity. Notes below… This is an illustration of Lewis’ 4th talk of the third radio series called ‘Christian Behaviour’. This became Chapter 5 of Book […]