Addressing the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group, Mr Wesley Smith said that activists and pressure groups often use fear, in particular fear-mongering on the difficulties of death, to push through their agenda.
He added that people “very rarely” commit assisted suicide because of pain, but do so for existential reasons. These reasons may include being worried about losing their dignity and a fear of being a burden to their families and loved ones.
“I can’t think of anything more cruel than letting somebody who’s having a terrible awful time getting through the night because of existential anguish feel that their deaths have a greater value than their lives,” Mr Smith said.
He added that assisted suicide violates human rights by creating a two-tier system of valuing lives which says to some people ‘Yes your suicide is worth preventing’, but says to others ‘yours isn’t’.
Source: Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition A British Coroners Inquest into the death of 14-year-old Molly Russell concluded that social media content had contributed to her death. A British Medical Journal (BMJ) article by Clare Dyer stated: Molly Russell Coroner Andrew Walker ruled that the harmful material had contributed to…
Source: Alex Schadenberg via Euthanasia Prevention CoalitionReprinted with permission. I was speaking to a friend, today, who told me that 4 people, who he knows, died by suicide in the past two weeks. An article by Shannon Roberts published by Mercatornet suggests that the COVID-19 crisis has led to an… Source: The Counsel of Trent via Editor's comment: YouTube has restricted the showing of this video outside of YouTube. Please click on the link in the above video to view, and to listen to the arguments, which are well thought through. See timestamps below. ***YouTube Keeps Turning Off…