Catholic Culture, Science & Society Videos

The Origins of Gender Ideology: Quentin Van Meter MD

Source: EWTN Live with Quentin Van Meter, MD via

The President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, joins Fr. Mitch to discuss the dangers inherent in the current medical and public policy approaches to children with gender identity issues.

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Header image: EWTN Live with Quentin Van Meter, MD via

Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child’s delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines. EXTERNAL LINK