Catholic, Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

Author: “Anti-Marian” spirit is wrecking Western culture

Source: EWTN via YouTube Carrie Gress discusses radical feminism and its influence on current culture in “The Anti-Mary Exposed,” and highlights the rewards of homemaking in “Theology of Home.” Hosted by Doug Keck. Header image: EWTN via lifesitenews.com External link: book link via theologyofhome.comExternal link: Best selling Catholic book banned […]

Conversions, Videos, Vocations

Fr. Peter Sabbath: A Jewish Convert Who Became A Catholic Priest

Father Peter was raised in the large and tight-knit Jewish community of Montreal, Canada. As a young man Father Peter attend Woodstock, after dropping out of Boston University. He found his way to Berkeley and studied Zen Buddhism. A friend invited him to a Cistercian Abbey in Canada, where he was impressed by the chanting and quiet. He received the gift of faith in Jesus through the liturgy while attending a Mass. Father Peter is now a priest of the Archdiocese of Montreal.