Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a Dutch political commentator and activist, outspoken on many controversial issues in Holland. Over the years she has built up a large following online, becoming a popular figure in the world of conservative politics. Growing up, her faith was never that important to her, so it came […]
Catholics Forbidden From Becoming Freemasons
Source: EWTN News Nightly via YouTube.com Reaction is pouring in after the Vatican’s release of a document this week on the faithful and Freemasons. The Holy See says Catholics are forbidden from becoming Freemasons. The document was in response to a question from a bishop in the Philippines. He says […]
Bishop Barron Interview in Rome | EWTN
Source: EWTN via YouTube.com Bishop Robert Barron has almost 150 million views on Youtube, making him one of the most influential and widely-watched Catholic voices in the world. His ministry ‘Word on Fire’ uses social media to spread the Gospel message. While in Rome for the Synod on Synodality, EWTN […]
The Life of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster
Source: EWTN via YouTube.com The abbess of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles speaks with reporter Catherine Hadro about Sister Wilhelmina’s life and her experience when the foundresses’ remains were exhumed. ———— Hosted by Montse Alvarado, EWTN News In Depth welcomes guests in a discussion of current events in […]
The Origins of Gender Ideology: Quentin Van Meter MD
Source: EWTN Live with Quentin Van Meter, MD via YouTube.com The President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Quentin Van Meter, joins Fr. Mitch to discuss the dangers inherent in the current medical and public policy approaches to children with gender identity issues. Subscribe to EWTN’s YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3hBbdVX […]
A Doctor’s Conversion from Abortion Provider to Pro-Life OBGYN
Source: EWTN via YouTube.com A US doctor says he wanted to serve women and be the very best so he performed abortions. Until the day things did not go as planned. In his new book “Two Patients,” Dr. John Bruchalski tells the story of his conversion from pro-abortion to pro-life, […]
Father Stu: Mark Wahlberg with Raymond Arroyo
Source: EWTN via YouTube RAYMOND ARROYO’s EXCLUSIVE interview with actor/producer MARK WAHLBERG about his inspirational and very personal new film, FATHER STU, due in theaters on Good Friday, April 15. The World Over with Raymond Arroyo airs on EWTN Thursdays at 8pm ET. It re-airs on Fridays at 1am & […]
Author: “Anti-Marian” spirit is wrecking Western culture
Source: EWTN via YouTube Carrie Gress discusses radical feminism and its influence on current culture in “The Anti-Mary Exposed,” and highlights the rewards of homemaking in “Theology of Home.” Hosted by Doug Keck. Header image: EWTN via lifesitenews.com External link: book link via theologyofhome.comExternal link: Best selling Catholic book banned […]
Fr. Peter Sabbath: A Jewish Convert Who Became A Catholic Priest
Father Peter was raised in the large and tight-knit Jewish community of Montreal, Canada. As a young man Father Peter attend Woodstock, after dropping out of Boston University. He found his way to Berkeley and studied Zen Buddhism. A friend invited him to a Cistercian Abbey in Canada, where he was impressed by the chanting and quiet. He received the gift of faith in Jesus through the liturgy while attending a Mass. Father Peter is now a priest of the Archdiocese of Montreal.
Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine: Does it Use Fetal Cell Lines?
Pfizer has announced a new COVID-19 vaccine with 90% efficiency – but were fetal cell lines involved? Joseph Meaney, Ph.D., president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, answers our questions.
At Our Side The Hidden Ministry of Our Guardian Angels
Source: Napa Institute via YouTube Fr. Ambrose Criste, O. Praem, discusses what we know about the existence of angels, given both in scripture and throughout the centuries by various mystics including St. Padre Pio and St. Theresa of Avila among others. Angels he explains are pure spirit, incredibly powerful, are […]
Purgatory: A Place of Intense Longing, Love and Hope
Source: Napa Institute via YouTube Fr. Ambrose Criste, O. Praem. discusses what both scripture teaches and what various mystics throughout the centuries have revealed about the next phase of existence for most humans, ‘Purgatory’, or the ‘Church Suffering’ as it is sometimes known. Fr. Ambrose notes that many of us […]