Before his conversion, his favorite CD was Ride the Lightning by Metallica. It’s there already: lightning, fire! A finger pointed at him from the television screen and a face behind the finger said, “You, yes, you, I’m talking to you; if you don’t change your life, my friend, you’re going to Hell!”
He snapped his CDs. Playing the casino machines at Atlantic City and speculating on the New York Stock Exchange, he dreamed of striking 777 and winning the big one! A millionaire by the time I’m thirty! A ball of fire exploded in his chest.
His email password was iamfire777. He was epileptic. He failed seven subjects in his first semester. He was ordained a priest on the 7th of the 7th of 2007. “I have come to bring fire to the world, and how I wish it were already ablaze!” (Lk.12:49). Meet Father Henry Kowalczyk, Servant Priest of the Home of the Mother, 1965-2020. #FatherHenry Source: Fr. Luke Demasi, Servants HM Films via YouTube Editor's comment: update, as of Monday 17th May, the Irish Government has allowed religious services, including Catholic churches to reopen, albeit with limited numbers attending and stringent conditions attached. What do Ireland, Afganistan, and China have in common? What do… Source: Servants HM Films via YouTube A group of Irish priests took to the sea to celebrate Mass and to intercede for Ireland at a small monastic site on the island of Skellig Michael, which lies off the south coast of Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a… Source: HM Television on YouTube The Servant Brothers of the Home of the Mother have produced this documentary about the life of Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, an outstanding Catholic figure of the 20th century. Kolbe was a man with great apostolic zeal, a precursor in the use of the…