Friends, as Americans, we have a very ambiguous relationship to law. On the one hand, we are a nation of independently minded people; we don’t like the law imposing itself on us. At the same time—let’s face it—we are a hyper-litigious society. We see the same ambiguity about law—both its beauty and its shadow side—in our three readings today. Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, today’s readings contain within them the theme of God’s covenants with his people. God has made the whole of creation, but out of the totality of the nations on earth, he chose a particular people—the Israelite nation—to be “peculiarly his own,” forming… Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, the Books of Moses teach that the three types of Israelite law—liturgical law, ritual law, and moral law—shape and direct God’s people toward holiness and purity. While the liturgical laws have been carried over and the ritual laws largely set aside, the… Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Youtube. Friends, on this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we hear one of the most pivotal passages in the Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:31. Jeremiah knew the long Israelite history of covenant and blood sacrifice, but he prophesies, “The days are coming, says the LORD, when…