Pfizer has announced a new COVID-19 vaccine with 90% efficiency – but were fetal cell lines involved? Joseph Meaney, Ph.D., president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, answers our questions.
Culture, Science & Society
Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!
Antichristian Globalism vs. the Reign of Jesus Christ
Source: TheRemnantVideo via YouTube In this Sunday Sermon of So. Saint Paul, Father speaks of the coming end of the liturgical year and the Novus Ordo liturgists’ decision to move the Feast of the Kingship of Christ. Father says we all should be “Catholic globalists” in a “one-world religion”. But […]
“Live Not by Lies”: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Intelligent Design
Source: Michael Egnor via evolutionnews.orgReprinted with permission. I got involved in the intelligent design movement before I became a Christian, although the insight that ID offered became important in my conversion. I had been an atheist, or at least an agnostic. I took a Randian (as in Ayn Rand) perspective […]
The Personhood Alliance’s official position on vaccine ethics
Source: Personhood Alliance via personhood.orgReprinted with permission. The most current information on unethical and ethical COVID-19 vaccine candidates can be found here. The Personhood Alliance’s official position on vaccine ethics is a culmination of 2 months of committee work, which included affiliate representatives from eight states, both Catholic and evangelical, and […]
Factory Model Education Ignores Varied Learning Readiness
Source: Discovery Institute via discovery.orgReprinted with permission. KERI D. INGRAHAM SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 EDUCATION REFORM, TEACHING Little progress has been made in closing the achievement gap despite endless initiatives among school districts across the country. The achievement gap refers to the statistically significant difference between average test score data among students from differing […]
Everything Depends on the Family!
Rules and governing restrictions are used every day in countless ways to refine that which is crude and unmeasured into something refined and more capable. We recognize this principle in countless ways in our daily lives except for one critical area: which is sex. We say, in this instance, we don’t need any thing that governs our behaviour except the absolute minimum. So, as long as you can find another willing adult, have at ‘er.
A Priest Talks Scary Movies, Horror, and Catholicism
Source: Word on Fire Institute via YouTube Just in time for Halloween, Word on Fire CEO Fr. Steve Grunow joins Fellow of Popular Culture Andrew Petiprin to talk about the horror genre, including offering his insights into some of the most popular horror films and stories. In this interview: – […]
Source: Fr. Mark Goring via YouTube Fr. Mark Goring discusses the ‘Great Reset’ once considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ is now being openly promoted via mainstream media. The World Economic Forum, along with other ‘elites’ want to design a ‘New World Order’ – a man-made ‘paradise on earth’ but without God. […]
Open Letter to The President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump: Cardinal Viganó
Quote: “Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23)”.
The Rise of the China Virus: A Conversation with Population Research Institute President Steven Mosher
Source: Population Research Institute via YouTube The Rise of the China Virus: A Conversation with PRI President Steven Mosher Part 3 Link: The Rise of the China Virus: A Conversation with PRI President Steven Mosher Part 1Link: The Rise of the China Virus: A Conversation with PRI President Steven Mosher […]
Poverty in Dublin 1960s (Pt.1) – RADHARC
Source: johnniejukebox via YouTube Amazing insight into poverty in 1960’s Ireland. While no one needed to die of hunger, some just existed in a state of hopelessness. Radharc, a groundbreaking Catholic documentary series which aired on RTE, the Irish state broadcaster. The programme tackled some of the most pressing social […]
Poverty in Dublin 1960s (Pt.2) – RADHARC
Source: johnniejukebox via YouTube Amazing insight into poverty in 1960’s Ireland. While no one needed to die of hunger, some just existed in a state of hopelessness. Radharc, a groundbreaking Catholic documentary series which aired on RTE, the Irish state broadcaster. The programme tackled some of the most pressing social […]