Long Format

Presentations or videos that are longer than 30 mins.

Christian Stories, Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

The Magician’s Twin: Part 3 – Intelligent Design

“C.S. Lewis and Intelligent Design” is the third of three short documentaries inspired by the book The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society. Lewis is best known for his magical stories about Narnia, but a new documentary explores his life-long struggle to find intelligent design in a world filled with pain.

Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

Finding Faith in an Iranian Prison: Marina Nemat

In January 1982, Marina Nemat, then just sixteen years old, was arrested, tortured, and sentenced to death for political crimes. Until then, her life in Tehran had centered around school, summer parties at the lake, and her crush on Andre, the young man she had met at church. But when math and history were subordinated to the study of the Koran and political propaganda..

Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Presentations, Videos

“Pope Francis and Vatican II”

Friends, some Catholics in America today are increasingly vocal in their attacks on the Second Vatican Council—an ecumenical council of the Church summoned and presided over by the successor of Peter. How should we understand this disturbing trend? In this keynote talk from the 2020 Napa Institute, I trace the missionary purpose of Vatican II from the conciliar texts themselves, through the New Evangelization…

Christian Stories, Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

David vs. Goliath: Gab’s Andrew Torba battles to compete with Twitter

Andrew Torba of Gab.com says
“I gave an exclusive 30 minute interview to @RickWiles of @TRUNEWS about Gab’s story and my own personal testimony. I hope you find some time during the holiday weekend to check it out. You’ll learn about the history of Gab, why we started Gab, how we overcame the attacks and blacklisting we’ve experienced, and more”.

Steven Mosher via patrickcoffin.media; Hammer & Sickle by cfr.org; Book image by ebay.com
Culture, Science & Society, Long Format, Videos

Coronavirus & Communism: The Blunt Truth

Steven Mosher explains how the worldwide Coronavirus crisis is linked to the Chinese Communist Party — CCP. In this exclusive interview for TFP Student Action, you will also learn how the Catholic Church in China is suffering intense persecution today. Get the facts with Mr. Mosher, top expert on affairs in China, president of Population Research Institute and author of “Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream Is the New Threat to World Order.”