Yes, there is a theory of everything—but it may not be what you expect! Centuries before Dr. Stephen Hawking entered the field of theoretical physics, St. Thomas Aquinas put forth a metaphysical theory of everything. Fr. James Brent, O.P., a Dominican friar from the Province of St. Joseph, explains exactly […]
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.
Give Away the Grace You’ve Been Given
Friends, Jesus tells us his messiahship is one of service, not self-interest. As sinners, we have a tendency to understand our religious lives in a self-interested way, but the grace God gives us is meant to be given away. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch every Sunday Sermon: […]
Your Water into God’s Wine
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, this week we resume Ordinary Time, and the Church gives us this extraordinary story of the first sign of Christ’s divinity—the miracle at Cana. Why is the first of Jesus’ miracles turning water into wine at a wedding? Because Jesus himself is the […]
VACCINES: Bishop Athanasius Schneider Presents the Catholic Position
Source: TheRemnantVideo via YouTube Watch the Bishop’s talk at the Catholic Identity Conference (November 2021) by signing up for the recorded conference videos here:… This week, seven hundred healthcare workers at the Mayo Clinic lost their jobs for being noncompliant with the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate. Many of these […]
REAL COVID CRISIS: Church Silent While Unvaxed Persecuted
Source: Complicit Clergy via Rumble Fr. Daniel Nolan’s homily on the Feast of the Holy Family – censored by YouTube. This version is from Rumble:… Header image: Clergy via Rumble
The Virgin Mary as You’ve Never Seen Her
Source: St. Paul Center via YouTube The Bible and the Virgin Mary, part of the St. Paul Center’s Journey Through Scripture series, unveils the mystery of Our Lady that is woven into the fabric of Sacred Scripture. This video is the first of twelve visually stunning lessons convey the beauty […]
Understanding Genesis: Jacob
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube Friends, today we continue our “Word on Fire Show” series on how to understand Genesis by focusing on Jacob, the son of Isaac and a patriarch of the ancient Jews. How should we understand his early struggle with Esau, the famous “Jacob’s ladder,” and […]
What Are the Laity Supposed to Be?
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, Vatican II speaks of “the universal call to holiness.” Imagine what would happen if, overnight, every Catholic commenced to live in accordance with this call. What would this look like for the laity? ———VIDEO LINKS——— Bishop Barron on Vatican II and the Power […]
Private Revelation & Our Lady of Good Success
Source: Sensus Fidelium via YouTube. Lecture on what is private revelation. True vs False private revelations. In the 2nd half Fr speaks on Our Lady of Good Success. For more please visit & Please say 3 Hail Marys for the priest. Header image: Sensus Fidelium via YouTube
Revolt Against Reality!
Source: Catholic Truth via YouTube. Revolt Against Reality! (2000 years of Attacks on Jesus and the Catholic Church) with Gary Michuta. Gary Michuta talks about his new book Revolt Against Reality and all the revolts and attacks of evil against Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and how the Catholic […]
Can the Devil Read Our Minds?
Source: The Fatima Centre, via YouTube Questions and Answers with Father Gruner
Is Jesus the King of Your Life?
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, this Feast of Christ the King encapsulates what the Christian life is all about. All the other celebrations of the year are leading us to this conclusion, and on this last Sunday of the liturgical year, we are asked the question: Is Christ […]