Tag: Atheism

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Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education

In Science, How “Assumed Atheism” Harms Religious Students

Source: Robert Shedinger via Evolution News Reprinted with permission Methodological naturalism is truly today a defining characteristic of science. Given this, are there any good reasons to make a meaningful distinction between methodological naturalism and metaphysical naturalism, as some still try to do? Since scientists can be religious believers, we […]

NWO-https://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/new-world-dis-order.jpg and WEF - https://s1.ibtimes.com/sites/www.ibtimes.com/files/2016/01/13/world-economic-forum-north-korea-davos-invite.jpg
Culture, Science & Society, Videos


Source: Fr. Mark Goring via YouTube Fr. Mark Goring discusses the ‘Great Reset’ once considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ is now being openly promoted via mainstream media. The World Economic Forum, along with other ‘elites’ want to design a ‘New World Order’ – a man-made ‘paradise on earth’ but without God. […]

Presentations, Videos

Creating Atheists

Friends, his wildly popular book, “A Manual for Creating Atheists,” Peter Boghossian, a philosophy professor at Portland State University, outlines his process of “street epistemology,” which is intended to be a process of anti-evangelization, or talking people out of their religious faith. In this episode of the “Word on Fire […]

Teaching, Videos

The Case For Jesus

Source: Refuting Atheism on YouTubeN.B. good audio, dull image quality, but content is good. A presentation given be Dr. Brant Pitre as part of the Newman Lecture Series at Our Lady of Wisdom Church and Catholic Student Center on the campus of the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Header image: internetmonk.com […]

Presentations, Videos

Bishop Barron on Atheism and Philosophy

Source: Bishop Robert Barron (Fr. Bishop Barron) on YouTube In a recent article published in the online journal “Salon,” philosophy professor John Messerly claims that religion has a “smart-people problem.” Is this the case? Bishop Barron responds. Find more videos at https://WordOnFire.org. Below: some of the data tables used in […]

Atheism to Catholicism
Conversions, Videos

From Atheism to Catholicism

Source: Queen of Peace Media on YouTube A NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE that will touch your heart. Christine Watkins shares how she was an anti-Christian atheist about to die from her sins when she received a divine healing from Jesus through Mary. See https://www.ChristineWatkins.com. To learn more and see other books by […]