Tag: Catholic Answers

Articles, Audio Podcasts, Catholic, Presentations

Elizabeth Kindelmann and Her Reported “Flame of Love” Private Revelations

Source: Tom Nash, Catholic Answers via catholic.com Reprinted with permission. Author: Tom Nash has served the Church professionally for more than 35 years, including as a theology advisor at the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). He is a contributing apologist for Catholic Answers, and a contributing writer for both the National […]

Teaching, Videos

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

How can the Catholic Church teach that baptism is necessary for salvation when the Bible show people receive the Holy Spirit before baptism and when Paul tells us that Christ did not send him to baptize but to preach the gospel? The author of Meeting the Protestant Challenge, Karlo Broussard, […]

Presentations, Videos

Can a Christian Meditate?

Source: Catholic Answers via YouTube Meditation, mindfulness, centering — it’s all the rage. But what are the implications of these things for the Christian person? Father Hugh Barbour breaks down what meditation is and why the Church, actually, has a great deal to teach the world about how to get […]

Articles, Audio Podcasts, Life Issues, Videos

Why Is Abortion Such an Important Voting Issue?

Source: Catholic Answers via YouTube There are plenty of human rights issues that hold prominent places in our decision-making as voters. Why do Catholics say abortion is the preeminent one, and how does the Church say should that influence our choices? Trent Horn explains. DONATE: https://give.catholic.com/castudiosSUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/catholiccomWEBSITE: https://www.catholic.com/ After his […]