Tag: Christian persecution

Christianity, Persecution, Videos

Christians Are Being Killed’: Critics Outraged at Biden Admin as Murder and Terror Rage in Nigeria

Source: CBN News via YouTube.com Religious freedom advocates are “outraged” and confounded after the Biden administration again declined to add Nigeria to the U.S. Department of State’s Countries of Particular Concern list, a designation targeting nations restricting or complicit in religious freedom violations. Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at […]

Presentations, Videos

Hypocritical Christians

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: https://pauljernberg.com Spanish translations by Vélez Translations, https://www.veleztranslations.com I was recently watching a rock and roll documentary about a band that had short lived success in the early […]

Articles, Christian Stories, Persecution

Nigerian Christians are losing the demographic war

The world’s most “unfashionable” persecuted minority is arguably Christian. Despite being persecuted in far more countries than any other religion, Christians are simply not on the radar of Western consciousness. At a time when the persecution of Rohingyas in Myanmar, Uyghurs in China and Yazidis in Iraq is being under-reported, the world has done little to help any of these minorities and persecuted Christians have become the victims of increasingly outrageous neglect.

Articles, Persecution

Martyred for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ

Source: Raymond Ibrahim via gatestoneinstitute.orgReprinted with permission “JIHADISTS MARTYRED HIM FOR REFUSING TO RENOUNCE JESUS CHRIST”: THE PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS, FEBRUARY 2020 Saleem Masih, a 22-year-old Christian farmhand, was tortured and killed for using his Muslim employer’s water well…. The employer later insisted that he had committed no crime; it […]

Persecution, Videos

Cardinal Joseph Zen: Interview

Source: Church Militant on YouTube Get the Truth. Join Church Militant today: https://bit.ly/37rYn55 Go to our website to watch thousands of hours of Catholic content. https://www.churchmilitant.com/ Sign up for a Premium account. https://www.churchmilitant.com/gopremium Follow us on Social Media! CM Twitter – https://twitter.com/Church_Militant (@Church_Militant) Michael Voris — https://twitter.com/Michael_Voris Christine Niles — […]

Christian Persecution 2020 Watch List 2020-01-23_11-32-48_a.m.
Persecution, Videos

2020 Watch List

Source: OpenDoorsUSA on Vimeo Each year, Open Doors releases the World Watch List, an annual look at the 50 places where following Jesus costs the most. This year, join David Curry as he takes into the story behind some of the numbers, and looks how pressure changes the Church. Join […]