Tag: Discovery Institute

Pope Benedict via Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/thepapalvisit/4862954644/in/album-72157624484243793/
Articles, Catholic & Christianity, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

Pope Benedict on Intelligent Design and the Dangers of Darwinian Materialism

Source: Bruce Chapman via evolutionnews.orgReprinted with permission Recalling the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI, I will always appreciate the fact that he recognized the dangers of Darwinian materialism, perhaps most strikingly in the homily he delivered at his installation in 2005. “We are not some casual and meaningless product of […]

Audio Podcasts, Education, Presentations

Dr. Keri D. Ingraham on the Crisis in American Education

(Used with permission) Source Humanize Center for Human Exceptionalism via Humanize.today It’s no secret that American education is in a profound crisis. From dismal academic performance, to bitter contention over gender ideology taught in elementary school, the damage caused by COVID school lockdowns, a collapse in discipline, and fear of […]

Articles, Audio Podcasts, Christianity & Science

Michael Behe and Matthew Ramage Debate Evolution and ID, Pt. 1

Source: ID THE FUTURE via idthefuture.comReprinted with permission Today’s ID the Future brings the first part of a friendly debate/discussion between Lehigh University biologist and intelligent design proponent Michael Behe and Catholic theologian Matthew Ramage. Led by Philosophy for the People podcast host Pat Flynn, Behe starts by noting that he is […]

Culture, Science & Society, Education

Factory Model Education Ignores Varied Learning Readiness

Source: Discovery Institute via discovery.orgReprinted with permission. KERI D. INGRAHAM SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 EDUCATION REFORM, TEACHING Little progress has been made in closing the achievement gap despite endless initiatives among school districts across the country. The achievement gap refers to the statistically significant difference between average test score data among students from differing […]

Articles, Culture, Science & Society

The Bioethicist Pandemic

Source: Wesley J. Smith via Discovery InstituteReprinted with permission CHAIR AND SENIOR FELLOW, CENTER ON HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM Wesley J. Smith is Chair and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. Wesley is a contributor to National Review and is the author of 14 books, in recent years focusing on […]

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Schools Fundamentally Unchanged Since 1918 (USA)

Source: Bailey Takacs in System Change at the Discovery Institute via discovery.orgReprinted with permission. Bailey Takacs currently serves as development program coordinator to Discovery Institutes’ American Center for Transforming Education and Development team.  “All parents should be able to know what their children are learning, and for those paying attention […]