Source: Napa Institute via YouTube Fr. Ambrose Criste, O. Praem. discusses what both scripture teaches and what various mystics throughout the centuries have revealed about the next phase of existence for most humans, ‘Purgatory’, or the ‘Church Suffering’ as it is sometimes known. Fr. Ambrose notes that many of us […]
Praying the Rosary Like Never Before: Encounter the Wonder of Heaven and Earth
Source: Napa Institute talk courtesy of EWTN via YouTube Dr. Edward Sri speaking at the 2017 Napa Institute Conference, covers a wide variety of topics on praying the rosary, including how to cope when you find it difficult to pray; techniques to make it easier to pray at various times […]
Candace Owens on ‘Black Lives & Black Lives Matter’
CANDACE OWENS, political commentator, and co-founder of The Blexit Foundation discusses the racial tension simmering in the United States after death of George Floyd.
St. Maria Goretti’s Martyrdom & Legacy of Forgiveness
In Nettuno, Italy, discover the full story of St. Maria Goretti’s Martyrdom and act of mercy in forgiving her murderer, Alessandro Serrenelli.
Maria Goretti was canonized in the presence of her Mother and siblings in Saint Peter’s Square on July 6, 1950. Pope Pius XII proclaimed her the patron saint of chastity and victims of sexual violence.
Veils of Veronica: Cloth shows the face of Jesus
Veronica wiped the face of Jesus with her veils when he fell while carrying his cross to Calvary. The Veils of Veronica show the face of Christ imprinted on the cloth. EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief Alan Holdren takes us on a journey in Rome to take a closer look at the image of Christ’s face.
Eucharistic miracle in Poland
During Christmas Day Mass in Poland, a Consecrated Host fell to the floor. It was recovered and placed in a container with water. Soon, red stains began to appear. Testing revealed fibers of human heart muscle; and after reviewing the finding, the Vatican approved its exposition for veneration.
G.K. Chesterton: a Dialogue
Source: EWTN’s Bookmark via YouTube John Walker discusses G. K. Chesterton’s classic work of Christian apologetics, “Orthodoxy.” Hosted by Doug Keck. Header image: EWTN’s Bookmark via YouTube
From Atheist to Devout Catholic
Source: Catholics Come Home via YouTube US Army Counterintelligence Director, Tony Devlin is a 57 year old grandfather and “Cradle Catholic” who drifted towards alternative Eastern Religions, Agnosticism, and Atheism, before returning to the Catholic Church for good. Hosted by Tom Peterson. Header image: Catholics Come Home via YouTube
A Chesterton Minute: Atheists
Source: EWTN’s ‘A Chesterton Minute’ via YouTube Spend more time with the Apostle of Common Sense! Visit for more information or go to to discover more books and programs written and inspired by G.K. Chesterton! Header image: EWTN’s ‘A Chesterton Minute’ via YouTube
‘Devil in the City of Angels’
Source: EWTN Bookmark via YouTube Jesse Romero shares his encounters with the diabolical while serving as a sheriff in Los Angeles in “Devil in the City of Angels.” Hosted by Doug Keck. Header image: Josh Rose via
Is the Face of Jesus Christ a True Image?
Source: Is the Face of Jesus Christ a True Image? His real appearance explained | EWTN Vaticano via YouTube Episode 424, aired on April 5th, 2020: “A special episode where we search for the Face of God”. Header image: Restored painting of Salvator Mundi (Savour of the World) by Leonardo […]
The Fifth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
Source: EWTN 2017 made for TV film on YouTube The Fifth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. Editor’s comment: while lacking the budget and visual effects of a Hollywood production (but see note below), indeed all vfx were produced by one person, that should not deter viewers from understanding the […]