Tag: family

Christianity & Science, Culture, Science & Society

Procreating Alone

Source: Kevin Schmiesing via thepublicdiscourse.com Reprinted with permission. If sexual attraction is one powerful force that God built into the world to counteract the individual’s inclination to self-absorption, then the combination of technological and cultural assaults on this urge doesn’t threaten only the formation of families, the basic unit of […]

Catholic, Culture, Science & Society, Videos

A Christian Response to Wokeness

Source: Franciscan University of Steubenville via YouTube Noelle Mering, author of “Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology,” shares with the Leadership Institute at Franciscan University of Steubenville how Christians should respond to woke ideology in today’s culture. Visit https://franciscan.edu/leadership-ins… to learn more about the […]

Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Everything Depends on the Family!

Rules and governing restrictions are used every day in countless ways to refine that which is crude and unmeasured into something refined and more capable. We recognize this principle in countless ways in our daily lives except for one critical area: which is sex. We say, in this instance, we don’t need any thing that governs our behaviour except the absolute minimum. So, as long as you can find another willing adult, have at ‘er.

Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Faith and Family Play a Bigger Role in Academic Achievement Than Race or Socioeconomic Status

Source: William Jeynes via thepublicdiscourse.comOriginally appeared int Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission. William Jeynes is Professor of Education at California State University, Long Beach. He graduated first in his class from Harvard University. He has served as a speaker and advisor for […]