Source: EWTN via Growing up in Toronto, Canada, Fr. Peter Turrone had a complicated relationship with faith and God. He witnessed how religious differences made his parents argue at home, and after his aunt died from cancer, despite his prayers to God to save her, he decided he wasn’t […]
Tag: Science
Science and the Evidence of God – Fr. Robert Spitzer
Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J. is the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith and the Spitzer Center. In his Keynote he speaks about the evidence of God through understanding the Universe. There is an encouraging number of young scientists that are more open to God than ever before. […]
Why Elon Musk LAUGHED at Richard Dawkins!
Description: In a recent interview on the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Elon Musk laughed when he heard what Richard Dawkins thought would happen if people abandoned Christianity. David Wood discusses the issue. Header image: Apologetics Roadshow via
How St. Benedict Created the Modern World
Source: ThinkingWest via Benedict of Nursia created a “guidebook” on monasticism. His rules led to the widespread proliferation of scientific study, formalized education, and hospitality for the sick/injured which developed into institutions that are still fundamental to society today. Check out our X account: / thinkingwest Join this channel to […]
In Science, How “Assumed Atheism” Harms Religious Students
Source: Robert Shedinger via Evolution News Reprinted with permission Methodological naturalism is truly today a defining characteristic of science. Given this, are there any good reasons to make a meaningful distinction between methodological naturalism and metaphysical naturalism, as some still try to do? Since scientists can be religious believers, we […]
Pope Benedict on Intelligent Design and the Dangers of Darwinian Materialism
Source: Bruce Chapman via evolutionnews.orgReprinted with permission Recalling the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI, I will always appreciate the fact that he recognized the dangers of Darwinian materialism, perhaps most strikingly in the homily he delivered at his installation in 2005. “We are not some casual and meaningless product of […]
Wonder: Light from Light
Source: Word on Fire Institution via Word on Fire is delighted to share a beautiful new film series entitled “Wonder: The Harmony of Faith and Science.” In the first episode, see how mysteries of physical reality discovered by science—especially the mystery of light—harmonize with mysteries of faith. Learn more: […]
Which is More Scientific?
Source: The Kolbe Centre for the Study of Creation via Definition of Science: “The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment”. – “Today we are often told that molecules turned into men […]
The ‘New Paradigm’ Can’t Deliver
Source: Fr. Timothy V. Vaverek via Reprinted with permission. Since the 1960s, progressive Catholics have promoted a new morality to replace older, normative approaches that they believe foster guilt and exclusion. Prominent cardinals and bishops have embraced this “New Paradigm” and are using the international synodal process to spread […]
Creating Organs Cannot Be at the Expense of Human Embryos
Source: John Stonesstreet & Kasey Leander via Copyright2022 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission. Recently, an impressive development in embryology was reported by the Israeli Weizmann Institute of Science. Using only stem cells, without the presence of sperm, eggs, or even a womb, researchers successfully created […]
Randy Isaac’s Critique Demonstrates the Power of Philosophical Bias [Part 1].
Source: Dr. Brian Miller via Reprinted with permission. Editor’s note: See also, “Is Information in DNA “Abstract”? Physicist Randy Isaac Responds.” Physicist Randy Isaac recently wrote a critique of our book The Mystery of Life’s Origin: The Continuing Controversy, arguing that it fails to persuasively demonstrate that life could not have originated […]
Randy Isaac’s Critique Demonstrates his Faith-Based Approach to Science [Part 2].
Source: Dr. Brian Miller via Reprinted with permission. In my previous article, I described how Randy Isaac’s critique of The Mystery of Life’s Origin: The Continuing Controversy failed to honestly engage with Jonathan Wells’s analysis of how recent textbooks misrepresent the relevance of the Miller-Urey experiment, or with James Tour’s exposé on the state of […]