Culture, Science & Society Documentary Long Format Videos

BBC Bias Exposed – An Insider’s Story

Source: The New Cultural Forum Channel via YouTube

From the shocking cover up of Jimmy Savile, to the mistreatment of Lord McAlpine & Sir Cliff Richard and the scandal of Martin Bashir’s interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, the BBC’s reputation for honesty and integrity has never been lower. With so much of the public feeling alienated by the BBC’s output, can it still be regarded as the nation’s broadcaster?

The New Culture Forum proudly presents #NCFHeresies, Episode 5: “BBC Bias Exposed – An Insider’s Story”, presented by writer and former BBC journalist Robin Aitken, author of “Can We Trust the BBC?” and “The Noble Liar: How & Why the BBC Distorts the News to Promote a Liberal Agenda”

Featuring interviews with figures such as Lord (Charles) Moore, Rod Liddle, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, Bishop Michael Nazir Ali & Andrea Jenkyns MP, “BBC Bias Exposed” reveals why the BBC is in the grip of an ideology that prevents it reporting fairly on the world.

Robin Aitken shows how the BBC’s internationalist, secularist & multiculturalist world view prevents it from providing fair and balanced news. Never was this more apparent than in it coverage of:

  • the EU & Brexit
  • Donald Trump
  • Black Lives Matter
  • the persecution of Christians (a subject rarely reported compared with BBC reporting on the plight of other persecuted religious minorities).

View other episodes in our acclaimed Heresies documentary series here:…

Header image: The New Cultural Forum Channel via YouTube

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The BBC Are A Disgrace, by Iain Davis
Recently the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 received a call from John in Manchester who Vine and the BBC labelled as an “antivaxxer.” John’s conversation with Vine was revealing.. more