Catholic & Christianity Teaching Videos

DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings.

Source: Scripture & Tradition via YouTube.

Editor’s Comment: This is Part 2 of 3. I have linked to Parts 1 & 3 (when available) below. I choose this particular episode as it deals more thoroughly with the theological errors within the writings of ‘The Book of Heaven’ by Luisa Piccaretta, founder of the ‘Devine Will’ movement.

DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings. The texts condemn themselves.

God allows errors to circulate because there are great benefits to be drawn from defeating these. We learn the true sources of pure Catholic doctrine, we hear what the greatest voices in the Church have taught about the glories of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Overcoming error also teaches us humility and gratitude. And it trains us in spotting fake devotions from a healthy distance.

Watching any of these videos, it is clear that they are not attacks on Luisa Piccarreta or her confessor, Fr Annibale di Francia, for it seems that these were victims of a subtle abuser (see Video 3). And for anyone anxious about having been drawn into the DW devotion, there is a sure way to get out: Jesus Christ — especially in Holy Mass and the Sacraments; in the Scriptures and the Fathers and the Saints; in Church Councils and papal teaching; in the holy Rosary and in approved litanies and the devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; in the works of mercy; and now in Lent more than ever, in fasting, prayer and giving alms. Walsingham. Guadalupe. Lourdes. Fatima. All these are of God and draw us back to God.

This is the second of three videos about the ‘Divine Will’ (DW) devotion.
Part 1 of 3: Showing the ‘DW’ devotion is repulsive –    • NOT FOR CHILDREN. The “Divine Will” d…  
Part 2 of 3: Examining grave theological errors in the ‘DW’ [this video]
Part 3 of 3: Tracing the diabolical origins of the ‘DW’. [coming soon]

Time stamps: 00:00 Three benefits of combating errors
02:45 God-like elevation of Luisa P
17:03 A heretical New Era
32:00 Annihilation of the human will
45:00 Superiority to the Sacraments
1:00:00 Contempt for Virtues
1:06:00 What to expect in the 3rd video

Header image: Scripture & Tradition via YouTube

NOT FOR CHILDREN. The “Divine Will” devotion is repulsive, from the ultimate spiritual predator.

Part 1 of 3: [This video] Showing the ‘DW’ devotion is “repulsive”.
Part 2 of 3: Examining grave theological errors in the ‘DW’.
Part 3 of 3: Tracing the diabolical origins of the ‘DW’.

Deeper Deception than the ‘Devine Will’.

Part 3 of 3. Mammoth video about wider and deeper issues than the deception of the “Divine Will” devotion. This is merely one of many attempts by the devil to groom us for a false new age, a supposed paradise on earth, all through an easy spirituality by which we sell ourselves out to the totalitarian will which seeks to utterly dominate the world. This will will fail — thanks be to God!