Catholic, Documentary

Little Nellie of Holy God

Learn the story of Little Nellie, a young girl captivated by Jesus in the Eucharist, whose short life and love for the Blessed Sacrament was the sign needed by the Pope to lower the age of Holy Communion. Interventions from John O’Donovan, Sr Jennifer McAleer, Marie Duffy and Bishop Alphonsus […],_named_Caravaggio.jpg
Catholic, Teaching, Videos

Agents of Divine Mercy

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, we continue our celebration of the Easter season on this Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy, St. Thomas Aquinas says, is compassion in regard to someone else’s suffering; thus, God’s mercy is his compassion reaching out to us precisely in our […]
Catholic, Teaching, Videos

Drinking the Blood of Christ

Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Youtube. Friends, on this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we hear one of the most pivotal passages in the Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:31. Jeremiah knew the long Israelite history of covenant and blood sacrifice, but he prophesies, “The days are coming, says the LORD, when I […]
Catholic, Teaching, Videos

How The Eucharist Turned Me Catholic!

Source: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube. The Most Holy Eucharist was one of the triggering factors that lead me into Catholicism. Here is why! @PintsWithAquinas video about the Eucharist:    • What Early Christians Believed About …   Follow me on Instagram: @Thejewishcatholic Header image: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist? How? […]