“All the aspirations which the prayer of other religions expresses are fulfilled in the reality of Christianity beyond all measure.” This ecclesial document was written in 1989 by the then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger, who would later become Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger was […]
Catholic teaching on a range of topics.
St. Thomas Aquinas – Beware False Prophets
Source: Catholic Culture Audiobooks via YouTube The Angelic Doctor’s very own sermon on how to detect false prophets. Beware! LINKS Article on Aquinas’ preaching style: “What Lessons Do Thomas Aquinas’ Sermons Hold For Modern Preachers?” https://www.hprweb.com/2017/06/what-l… Translation courtesy of Catholic University of America Press: https://www.hfsbooks.com/books/the-ac… SUBSCRIBE to Catholic Culture Audiobooks […]
Agents of Divine Mercy
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, we continue our celebration of the Easter season on this Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy, St. Thomas Aquinas says, is compassion in regard to someone else’s suffering; thus, God’s mercy is his compassion reaching out to us precisely in our […]
Drinking the Blood of Christ
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via Youtube. Friends, on this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we hear one of the most pivotal passages in the Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:31. Jeremiah knew the long Israelite history of covenant and blood sacrifice, but he prophesies, “The days are coming, says the LORD, when I […]
How The Eucharist Turned Me Catholic!
Source: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube. The Most Holy Eucharist was one of the triggering factors that lead me into Catholicism. Here is why! @PintsWithAquinas video about the Eucharist: • What Early Christians Believed About … Follow me on Instagram: @Thejewishcatholic Header image: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist? How? […]
DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings.
Source: Scripture & Tradition via YouTube. DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings. The texts condemn themselves. God allows errors to circulate because there are great benefits to be drawn from defeating these. We learn the true sources of pure Catholic doctrine, we hear what the greatest voices […]
Face Your Fears
Source: Bishop Robert Barron via YouTube. Friends, the Gospel on this Fourth Sunday of Lent includes one of the most famous verses in the Bible: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have […]
Are Your Soul and Body at War? – Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermon
Source: Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons via YouTube. Friends, we come now to the holy season of Lent. The Gospel for this First Sunday of Lent is Mark’s laconic version of the temptation of Jesus in the desert. Mark does not give us the details we find in Matthew and Luke, […]
Catholics Forbidden From Becoming Freemasons
Source: EWTN News Nightly via YouTube.com Reaction is pouring in after the Vatican’s release of a document this week on the faithful and Freemasons. The Holy See says Catholics are forbidden from becoming Freemasons. The document was in response to a question from a bishop in the Philippines. He says […]
Wonder: Light from Light
Source: Word on Fire Institution via YouTube.com Word on Fire is delighted to share a beautiful new film series entitled “Wonder: The Harmony of Faith and Science.” In the first episode, see how mysteries of physical reality discovered by science—especially the mystery of light—harmonize with mysteries of faith. Learn more: […]
Without Adoration, There’s No Evangelization
Source: Editorial via National Catholic Register. Reprinted with permission. Pope Francis reminded us of an irreplaceable, foundational element that is often overlooked — or even derided — in our implementation of the Great Commission: the need for prayer and, especially, Eucharistic adoration. The world is in desperate need of the […]
The Parasite of Evil
Friends, we are reading during these weeks of summer from the thirteenth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, which contains many of the great parables of Jesus. But I want to focus just on one today because it’s so rich both theologically and spiritually: the parable of the wheat and the weeds. […]