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Catholic & Christianity, Teaching, Videos

How The Eucharist Turned Me Catholic!

Source: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube. The Most Holy Eucharist was one of the triggering factors that lead me into Catholicism. Here is why! @PintsWithAquinas video about the Eucharist:    • What Early Christians Believed About …   Follow me on Instagram: @Thejewishcatholic Header image: The Jewish Catholic via YouTube Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist? How? […]
Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Presentations

The Psychopathic Hijacking of Religious Moral Authority

Source: Jordan B Peterson Clips via YouTube. Dr. Peterson and Abigail Shrier discuss the complexities of evil, its various prototypes, and how it often masquerades as benevolence or compassion, manipulating trust and morality. Drawing from literature like Dante’s Inferno and works by Eric Neumann and Jeffrey Burton Russell, Peterson provides […]
Catholic & Christianity, Teaching, Videos

DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings.

Source: Scripture & Tradition via YouTube. DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the ‘Divine Will’ writings. The texts condemn themselves. God allows errors to circulate because there are great benefits to be drawn from defeating these. We learn the true sources of pure Catholic doctrine, we hear what the greatest voices […]