Tag: Brian Holdsworth

Brian Holdsworth https://youtu.be/KgkukXBCfO8
Christianity & Science, Videos

No God, No Science

When we use our reason to try to understand something, we are assuming, from the outset, that the thing we are investigating can be understood by reason because it is reasonable and that it will reveal itself in a rational way, that behind the mystery of the thing, there is order and governance that can be discerned.

Presentations, Videos

Undeniable Proof of God’s Existence

Both atheists and theists alike, on the question of God’s existence, like to portray their position as the more rational one. Atheists will say, prove it to me. You’re making extraordinary claims, therefore give me irrefutable evidence such that it would be impossible to deny. This, btw, is a standard of proof far in excess of anything science has ever had to demonstrate.

Presentations, Videos

Hypocritical Christians

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: https://pauljernberg.com Spanish translations by Vélez Translations, https://www.veleztranslations.com I was recently watching a rock and roll documentary about a band that had short lived success in the early […]

Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Everything Depends on the Family!

Rules and governing restrictions are used every day in countless ways to refine that which is crude and unmeasured into something refined and more capable. We recognize this principle in countless ways in our daily lives except for one critical area: which is sex. We say, in this instance, we don’t need any thing that governs our behaviour except the absolute minimum. So, as long as you can find another willing adult, have at ‘er.

Presentations, Videos

Dealing with Traditionalist Catholics

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: https://pauljernberg.com Spanish translations by Vélez Translations, https://www.veleztranslations.com I’ve seen a lot of attention given to the disruption that is caused by those pesky radical traditionalists, or rad-trads, […]

Presentations, Videos

The Best Argument for God’s Existence

Source: Brian Holdsworth via YouTube Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: https://pauljernberg.com Spanish translations by Vélez Translations, https://www.veleztranslations.com Every human society that we have records for, every civilization, has nurtured some moral code of behaviour. And in many […]

Presentations, Videos

Does Prayer Even Work?

When I first became a Christian, and then a Catholic, prayer was one of those things that came with a lot of questions. How do I do it? Why should I do it? What does it do? What should I expect? And I think a lot of those questions can easily persist for people well into their spiritual journeys.

Mateus Campos Felipe -SLIGHT CROP-via https://unsplash.com/photos/avFdmTp4HGg
Culture, Science & Society, Videos

The Sustainability of Beauty

I recently had an interesting conversation with an architect who defined himself as a classicist with respect to aesthetics, art, and design. And he explained what he understood that to be in an interesting way. He said that a classicist is someone who believes that there is an ideal form to be realized in design. Whether that be in car, a building, a smartphone, or whatever. And this is consistent with Classical and medieval…

Presentations, Videos

Why Can’t the Church Ordain Women Priests?

Our ancestors understood that men and women have distinct qualities so they tried to define roles and conventions that were best suited to the strengths of each.

So, it might be true to say that traditional gender roles are societal conventions, but what’s being left out of that is that they are conventions that are an attempt, admittedly imperfect, to reflect objective, biological, and maybe even, spiritual, realities.