Tag: Catholicism

Catholic, Documentary, Videos

St. Catherine of Siena

N.B. Premiered: 29th April 2024Friends, on this feast of St. Catherine of Siena, I invite you to watch the “Pivotal Players” episode about her life and vocation. Though this fourteenth-century mystic and Doctor of the Church never studied theology, and in fact never formally learned how to read or write, […]

Articles, Christianity, Culture, Science & Society

Catholics and Protestants Slide Together into Gnostic Private Cults

Source: William Kilpatrick via turningpointproject.com Reprinted with permission The second of a two-part series. Until recently, Protestants were more likely than Catholics to succumb to the Gnostic temptation I described in a recent column. In a 2008 article for Modern Reformation, Philip J. Lee described how both Mainline and “born again” Protestants were […]

Conversions, Videos, Vocations

Fr. Peter Sabbath: A Jewish Convert Who Became A Catholic Priest

Father Peter was raised in the large and tight-knit Jewish community of Montreal, Canada. As a young man Father Peter attend Woodstock, after dropping out of Boston University. He found his way to Berkeley and studied Zen Buddhism. A friend invited him to a Cistercian Abbey in Canada, where he was impressed by the chanting and quiet. He received the gift of faith in Jesus through the liturgy while attending a Mass. Father Peter is now a priest of the Archdiocese of Montreal.

Articles, Culture, Science & Society

Give credit where credit’s due: the Christian background to China’s best hospitals

Source: William Huang, under Creative Commons permission via mercatornet.com Now that it has brought its own coronavirus epidemic under control, China’s Communist government has shifted to what it does best: changing the narrative, pumping out propaganda, and fooling the masses. State media now boasts that medical teams from the best […]

Maria Steen
Long Format, Presentations, Videos

Maria Steen

Source: Divine Mercy Conference on Vimeo.com Maria Steen at the Divine Mercy Conference in Dublin Feb. 2020.An astute analysis of current cultural/social issues in Ireland, and how these challenge Catholic teaching, as well as some suggestions for the way forward. Watch other video presentations from the conference on the Divine […]