Culture, Science & Society

Commentary and discussion on a range of cultural topics, ranging from media to art, science, and everything in-between!
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Education

Loving Theory Instead of Literature

Source: Lee Trepanier via Originally appeared in  The Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton NJ, and is reprinted with permission. After reading Terry Eagleton’s new book, Critical Revolutionaries, the message is quite clear for those who love literature: avoid graduate school, find others who share your passion, […]
Culture, Science & Society, Drama, Videos

Two + Two

Source: Pendoon via “What happens when in an attempt to re-educate the masses everything you have been taught is proclaimed false and your whole universe of values crumbles violently before your eyes?” BAFTA 2012: Awarded ‘Best Short Film’.Nominee: Best Short Film, German Independence Award. Header image: Pendoon via
Christianity, Culture, Science & Society, Education, Videos

Let’s Talk: Parents Alert! Sexualisation of your children.

Source: HLI Ireland via Lisa is joined by Patrick McCrystal (HLI Ireland Executive Director) to discuss recent plans by the Irish Health Minister to make contraception freely available to 17-25 Year olds (with the intention of extending the scheme to younger children soon). Header image: HLI Ireland via
Articles, Culture, Science & Society, Videos

Tom Cruise’s ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ makes the case for a wiser, more mature masculinity.

Source: Rudolph Lambert Fernandez via mercatornet.comReprinted with permission. The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul. Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh Sitting in your seat, in a darkened theater watching Top Gun: Maverick (2022) will feel as fine as flying in a P-51 Mustang, into a clear […]