N.B. Premiered: 29th April 2024Friends, on this feast of St. Catherine of Siena, I invite you to watch the “Pivotal Players” episode about her life and vocation. Though this fourteenth-century mystic and Doctor of the Church never studied theology, and in fact never formally learned how to read or write, […]
Tag: Catholicism
Catholicism: Episode 1 – Amazed and Afraid
Friends, … the birth of Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. The kingdom of God is at hand. The ancient Israelites ardently expected Yahweh to accomplish four great things, and Christ accomplished these four things in the most unexpected way, and it all starts with Christ—fully human, fully […]
The French Revolution Traded Religion for a Cult
How the French Revolution suppressed Catholicism and eventually all Christianity and replaced it with a cult of enlightenment. Header image: ThinkingWest via YouTube.com
Catholics and Protestants Slide Together into Gnostic Private Cults
Source: William Kilpatrick via turningpointproject.com Reprinted with permission The second of a two-part series. Until recently, Protestants were more likely than Catholics to succumb to the Gnostic temptation I described in a recent column. In a 2008 article for Modern Reformation, Philip J. Lee described how both Mainline and “born again” Protestants were […]
Honest Dating Advice for Catholics
Source: ThatCatholicGirl via YouTube ThatCatholicGirl discusses ” Courtship and Catholicism, and how dating has been so subverted in our society”. Header image: ThatCatholicGirl via YouTube Single Catholics, Dating AdviceBrian Holdsworth reflects on the dating scene for committed Catholics.
The Truth about Tuam Babies.
Source: Hello Irlandia via youtube.com. In the summer of 2014 a scandal arose in relation to the Tuam Children’s Home in Co. Galway in Ireland. It was alleged that the nuns who looked after children there from 1925-61 had maltreated them. In this video, historians Eugene Jordan and Brian Nugent […]
Father Jeffrey Kirby – The Evils of Socialism
Source: Fr. Jeffrey Kirby – The Evils of Socialism, via Caritas in Veritate This talk discusses the evil and deception of socialism vs. the teaching of Christ. Header image: via Caritas in Veritate
Fr. Peter Sabbath: A Jewish Convert Who Became A Catholic Priest
Father Peter was raised in the large and tight-knit Jewish community of Montreal, Canada. As a young man Father Peter attend Woodstock, after dropping out of Boston University. He found his way to Berkeley and studied Zen Buddhism. A friend invited him to a Cistercian Abbey in Canada, where he was impressed by the chanting and quiet. He received the gift of faith in Jesus through the liturgy while attending a Mass. Father Peter is now a priest of the Archdiocese of Montreal.
A Priest Talks Scary Movies, Horror, and Catholicism
Source: Word on Fire Institute via YouTube Just in time for Halloween, Word on Fire CEO Fr. Steve Grunow joins Fellow of Popular Culture Andrew Petiprin to talk about the horror genre, including offering his insights into some of the most popular horror films and stories. In this interview: – […]
St. Katharine Drexel, the Pope, and Personal Action
Friends, I encourage you to watch this clip from our “CATHOLICISM” series on St. Katharine Drexel. As a wealthy young laywoman, disturbed by the treatment of Native Americans, she traveled to Rome and had an audience with Pope Leo XIII. She begged the Holy Father to create an order of priests or nuns to teach and love the Native Americans.
Give credit where credit’s due: the Christian background to China’s best hospitals
Source: William Huang, under Creative Commons permission via mercatornet.com Now that it has brought its own coronavirus epidemic under control, China’s Communist government has shifted to what it does best: changing the narrative, pumping out propaganda, and fooling the masses. State media now boasts that medical teams from the best […]
Maria Steen
Source: Divine Mercy Conference on Vimeo.com Maria Steen at the Divine Mercy Conference in Dublin Feb. 2020.An astute analysis of current cultural/social issues in Ireland, and how these challenge Catholic teaching, as well as some suggestions for the way forward. Watch other video presentations from the conference on the Divine […]